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How To Calm The Crazy This Holiday Season

Christmas is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, right? Well, we know it should be, but the reality is that the imminent hustle and bustle during the holiday season doesn’t always make it so merry and bright. Sadly, that’s how life seems to play out this day and age. However, this year I’ve vowed to be intentional with what I do this Holiday season. I’m determined to calm my “crazy” in-order-that it doesn’t shine like the Star of Bethlehem during what should truly be a peaceful time for us all. Are you with me?

How Are We Going To Achieve This Peace?

Farmhouse Christmas Living Room With Traditional Tree, Red and White Decorations and a Shiplap Wall

You are going to achieve this peace by only doing the things that bring you joy. To help you, we’ve created a Christmas Bucket List full of All The Things we typically think of doing around the Holidays. But here’s the catch, YOU are ONLY going to do the things that bring you joy!

Friends, this is not a race to check off All The Things, but rather a reminder to do what’s important to you and nothing more! Let me raise my voice for all you folks in the back of the room. YOU ARE ONLY GOING TO DO THE THINGS ON THIS LIST THAT BRING YOU JOY!

Does the thought of that put your overachieving, sometimes joy thieving ways into a tail spin? If so, repeat this out loud several times. “I will only do things that bring me joy this holiday season”

Who Wants to Calm Their Christmas Crazy With Us?

Are you up for our Calm The Christmas Crazy Challenge? I sure hope so and if you are in need of a little reminder that’s it’s okay to limit what you do, or that it’s okay to say no, I’m your girl! Leave a comment here, email me or message me on Instagram!

Here’s to making making sweet memories that last a life time this holiday season!

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