Love Coupons for Valentine’s Day

Who says making Valentine’s are for kids only? Not this gal!

I’ve always found that getting my Mister gifts for special occasions, like Valentine’s Day, to be a bit challenging. Throughout the year we show our love in all sorts of ways and we tend to buy what we want, when we want it. That being said, I often find myself thinking…

What do you give a man who has everything?

How about what he really wants! Like a project free weekend, or winning the argument, with no questions asked or maybe even a hot and steamy shower with you! Most men would find those gifts way more exciting than a new tie or box of candy. Are you with me?

With that in mind I created the ultimate Valentine’s Gift for your Mister, Love Coupons. All it takes is a little bit of time and thought to put this awesome gift together.

Simply print off the coupons, cut them out and put together for the perfect sexy and one of a kind gift for your sweetheart.


We’ve even included blank coupons that allow you to add your own “gift”, because let’s face it, not everyone is into giving and receiving the same gifts. *smile*

Can these coupons be given to anyone else?

Absolutely! The blank coupons are perfect for creating a unique gift for your kids. What kid doesn’t want 20 extra minutes of screen time, permission to skip a chore or even an ice cream date with mom?! Get creative, I promise your kiddos will love them.

I hope you enjoy this little DIY project as much as I did. And let us know what your recipient thought!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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